In 1862, the young French physician Maurice Raynaud meticulously described in his medical school thesis 25 patients with spontaneous symmetric gangrene of the extremities.
He described an initial ‘pallor’ that was replaced in more severe cases by a cyanotic color and then a vermillion that finally gave way to the normal pink.
Sir Jonathan Hutchinson |
He realized that the symptoms described by Raynaud could be associated with a number of disorders and were not due to one disease. In 1896, he proposed the term ‘Raynaud’s phenomenon’ to described these vasospastic attacks.
In 1932, Allen and Brown, established minimal criteria for diagnosing Raynaud’s disease: bilaterality of symptoms; absence of gangrene; absence of other primary disease, especially collagen-vascular diseases: and symptoms of at least 2 years’ duration.
Raynaud’s syndrome