Wednesday, December 7, 2016

History of modern dermatology

The Hebrew Bible of 2700 years ago describes dermatologic diseases and therapies, suggesting that disorders were of divine inflection. Avicenna (980-1037) a Persian scholar in his book The Canon of Medicine laid stress on the pores of skin as a route to eliminate the excess of humours for cure of diseases.

After the crusade wars (1095-1291), nee nursing and hospital orders were developed. The order of Lazarus, which was devoted to the care of the lepers, was found at the beginning of the 12th century. The first book committed to skin diseases was published in 1572 in Venice. It reported the oral lessons of Italian physician, Girolamo Mercuriali (1530-1606).

In A Treatise of Diseases Incident to the Skin, written in English and published in 1714, Daniel Turner (1667-1741) mentions crust and scabies in infants.

Robert Willan (1757-1812)
Robert Willan (1757-1812) and his talented pupil Thomas Bateman (1778-1821) created clinical dermatology by giving precise description of elementary lesions, a concept created in 1776 by Joseph Plenck (1735-1807). Joseph Plenck the Viennese protodermatologist is considered to be the forerunner of modern European dermatology. Plenck introduced the systematization of dermatovenereological diseases, based on their paradigmatic differences.

Dermatology in the United States began in the 1830s with Henry Daggett Bulkley and Noah Worcester.

Henry Daggett Bulkley (1804-1872) a Yale graduate in return from Paris, established the first dispensary for the treatment of skin and venereal diseases, the Broome Street Infirmary for Skin disease. He also developed and presented the first series of lectures on dermatology in North America.

Noah Worcester (1812-1847) a Dartmouth graduate after studying in the Parisian clinics joined the faculty of the newly founded Medical School of Ohio. Dr Noah Worcester wrote the first American dermatology textbook on skin diseases in 1845, Disease of the Skin.
History of modern dermatology