Tuesday, December 2, 2014

First caesarian birth in Europe

European Renaissance period saw a revival of interest in medicine after the Dark Ages.

Caesarian section is the important surgical procedure in obstetrics. It can be traced to a 700 BC Rome, when the procedure was first used to remove infants from women who died late in pregnancy.

In 1500, Jacob Nufer, farmer from Sigershauffen, Switzerland, successfully performed the first known caesarian in Europe on his wife, after doctors were unable to help her. This legend is one of the most commonly repeated stories and it’s supposed to refer to the first caesarian carried out on a live women.

The maternal mortality rate was high up to the end of the nineteenth century, most often because of hemorrhage and infection.

The first modern caesarian section was performed by German gynecologist Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer in 1881. He successfully used a lower uterine incision for caesarian section.
First caesarian birth in Europe