Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Felix Hoffmann and aspirin

Felix Hoffmann (1868-1946) was the son of a manufacturer in the town of Ludwigsburg in Swabia Germany. He studied chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Munich, graduating in 1893.

Legend has it that Hoffmann was searching for something to relieve his father's arthritis. His father was using salicylic acid a precursor to aspirin, for his condition in the late 19th century.

Hoffmann prepared a range of compounds by making slight modification to the structure of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Dr. Felix Hoffmann
Hoffmann tried out each of the new preparations on his father the effects. Within a two-week period in August 897 Hoffmann synthesized two drugs: aspirin and heroin.

On October 10, 1897, he prepared aspirin in a purer form using an improved process. Hoffman gave some of his aspirin to his father and it worked well in relieving arthritis pain.

Aspirin reduces pain and fever by reducing the production of prostaglandins, inflammatory compounds released when cells are damaged.

The problem was that aspirin is not very soluble in water. It was first available as a powder in sachets.

Bayer then decided to pellet the powder and aspirin became the first medicine to be sold as tablets.
Felix Hoffmann and aspirin